
/* eslint no-console: 0 */

'use strict';

 * The common utility module. It provides various tools for managing a Rekit app.
 * @module

const path = require('path');
const _ = require('lodash');
const shell = require('shelljs');
const colors = require('colors/safe');

let silent = false;

// NOTE: utils is just assumed to always be loaded before lodash is used...
_.pascalCase = _.flow(_.camelCase, _.upperFirst);
_.upperSnakeCase = _.flow(_.snakeCase, _.toUpper);

 * Don't output any logs.
 * @param {boolean} isSilent - Whether to output logs.

 * @alias module:utils.setSilent
function setSilent(isSilent) {
  silent = isSilent;

 * The unified version of 'path.join'. It forces forward slash ('/') on both unix like or windows system.
 * It also normalizes the path to emmit double slash and '..'.

 * @alias module:utils.joinPath
 * @example
 * const utils = require('rekit-core').utils;
 * const p1 = utils.joinPath('c:\\abc', '../def');
 * // p1 => 'c:/def'
function joinPath() {
  // A consistent and normalized version of path.join cross platforms
  return path.normalize(path.join.apply(path, arguments)).replace(/\\/g, '/');

 * Log a message to console. It respects the setSilent switch.
 * @param {string} msg - The message to log.
function log(msg) {
  if (!silent) console.log(msg);

 * Log a warning message to console. It respects the setSilent switch.
 * @param {string} msg - The message to log.
function warn(msg) {
  if (!silent) console.log(colors.yellow('Warning: ' + msg));

 * Log an error message to console. It respects the setSilent switch.
 * @param {string} msg - The message to log.
function error(msg) {
  if (!silent) console.log(colors.red('Error: ' + msg));

 * Throw a fatal error and log an error message.
 * @param {string} msg - The message to log.
function fatalError(msg) {
  throw new Error(msg);

let prjRoot;

 * By default Rekit will try to find the current Rekit project root. But you can also manually set it by calling this method.
 * @param {string} root - The project root.
function setProjectRoot(root) {
  prjRoot = /\/$/.test(root) ? root : (root + '/');
  prjRoot = joinPath(prjRoot);

 * Get the project root. By default it finds the Rekit project root of which the command is run.
function getProjectRoot() {
  if (!prjRoot) {
    let cwd = process.cwd();
    let lastDir = null;
    // Traverse above until find the package.json.
    while (cwd && lastDir !== cwd) {
      const pkgPath = joinPath(cwd, 'package.json');
      if (shell.test('-e', pkgPath) && require(pkgPath).rekit) { // eslint-disable-line
        prjRoot = cwd;
      lastDir = cwd;
      cwd = joinPath(cwd, '..');
  return joinPath(/\/$/.test(prjRoot) ? prjRoot : (prjRoot + '/'));

let pkgJson = null;
 * Get the current project's package.json.
function getPkgJson() {
  // Get the project package json
  if (!pkgJson) {
    const pkgJsonPath = joinPath(getProjectRoot(), 'package.json');
    pkgJson = require(pkgJsonPath);
  return pkgJson;

 * Set the current project's package.json.
function setPkgJson(obj) {
  // Only used for unit test purpose
  pkgJson = obj;

 * Get the relative path to the project root by given full path.
 * @param {string} fullPath - A full path string.
function getRelativePath(fullPath) {
  // Get rel path relative to project root.
  const _prjRoot = getProjectRoot();
  const regExp = new RegExp(`^${_.escapeRegExp(_prjRoot)}`, 'i');
  return fullPath.replace(regExp, '');

 * Get the full path of a relative path to the project root.
 * @param {string} relPath - The relative path.
function getFullPath(relPath) {
  const _prjRoot = getProjectRoot();
  const regExp = new RegExp(`^${_.escapeRegExp(_prjRoot)}`, 'i');
  return regExp.test(relPath) ? relPath : joinPath(_prjRoot, relPath);

 * Get action type constant for a sync action. It uses UPPER_SNAKE_CASE and combines feature name and action name.
 * @param {string} feature - The feature name of the action.
 * @param {string} action - The action name.
 * @example
 * const utils = require('rekit-core').utils;
 * utils.getActionType('home', 'doSomething');
function getActionType(feature, action) {
  return `${_.upperSnakeCase(feature)}_${_.upperSnakeCase(action)}`;

 * Get action type constants for an async action. It uses UPPER_SNAKE_CASE and combines feature name and action name.
 * @param {string} feature - The feature name of the action.
 * @param {string} action - The action name.
 * @example
 * const utils = require('rekit-core').utils;
 * utils.getAsyncActionTypes('home', 'doAsync');
 * // =>
 * // {
 * //   doAsyncBegin: 'HOME_DO_ASYNC_BEGIN',
 * //   doAsyncSuccess: 'HOME_DO_ASYNC_SUCCESS',
 * //   doAsyncFailure: 'HOME_DO_ASYNC_FAILURE',
 * //   doAsyncDismissError: 'HOME_DO_ASYNC_DISMISS_ERROR',
 * // }
function getAsyncActionTypes(feature, action) {
  return {
    normal: getActionType(feature, action),
    begin: `${_.upperSnakeCase(feature)}_${_.upperSnakeCase(action)}_BEGIN`,
    success: `${_.upperSnakeCase(feature)}_${_.upperSnakeCase(action)}_SUCCESS`,
    failure: `${_.upperSnakeCase(feature)}_${_.upperSnakeCase(action)}_FAILURE`,
    dismissError: `${_.upperSnakeCase(feature)}_${_.upperSnakeCase(action)}_DISMISS_ERROR`,

 * Get the full path by a relative path to 'src'.
 * @param {string} filePath - The file path relative to project's 'src' folder.
 * @alias module:utils.mapSrcFile
 * @example
 * const utils =require('rekit-core').utils;
 * utils.mapSrcFile('common/configStore.js');
 * // => /path/to/project/src/common/configStore.js
function mapSrcFile(filePath) {
  return joinPath(getProjectRoot(), 'src', filePath);

function mapFeatureFile(feature, fileName) {
  return joinPath(getProjectRoot(), 'src/features', _.kebabCase(feature), fileName);

function mapTestFile(feature, fileName) {
  return joinPath(getProjectRoot(), 'tests/features', _.kebabCase(feature), fileName);

function mapComponent(feature, name) {
  // Map a component, page name to the file.
  return mapFeatureFile(feature, _.pascalCase(name));

function mapReduxFile(feature, name) {
  return mapFeatureFile(feature, 'redux/' + _.camelCase(name) + '.js');

function mapReduxTestFile(feature, name) {
  return mapTestFile(feature, 'redux/' + _.camelCase(name) + '.test.js');

function mapComponentTestFile(feature, name) {
  return mapTestFile(feature, _.pascalCase(name) + '.test.js');

function getFeatures() {
  return _.toArray(shell.ls(joinPath(getProjectRoot(), 'src/features')));

function getCssExt() {
  const pkgPath = joinPath(getProjectRoot(), 'package.json');
  const pkg = require(pkgPath); // eslint-disable-line
  return (pkg && pkg.rekit && pkg.rekit.css === 'sass') ? 'scss' : 'less';

function getFeatureName(filePath) {
  const relPath = getRelativePath(filePath);
  let name = null;

  if (_.startsWith(relPath, 'src/features')) {
    name = relPath.split('/')[2];
  return name;

module.exports = {
