'use strict';
* Style manager. It manage style files for components. Usually used with component manage.
* @module
const _ = require('lodash');
const utils = require('./utils');
const vio = require('./vio');
// const refactor = require('./refactor');
const template = require('./template');
const entry = require('./entry');
* Add a style file for a component. It create the style file with the extension 'cssExt' configured in 'rekit' section of package.json.
* @param {string} feature - The feature name.
* @param {string} component - The component name.
* @alias module:style.add
* @example
* const style = require('rekit-core').style;
* // create a file named 'Hello.less' in feature 'home'.
* style.add('home', 'Hello');
function add(feature, component, args) {
// Create style file for a component
args = args || {};
template.generate(utils.mapComponent(feature, component) + '.' + utils.getCssExt(), Object.assign({}, args, {
templateFile: args.templateFile || 'Component.less',
context: Object.assign({
depth: 2,
cssExt: utils.getCssExt(),
}, args.context || {}),
entry.addToStyle(feature, component);
* Remove a style file for a component.
* @param {string} feature - The feature name.
* @param {string} component - The component name.
* @alias module:style.remove
function remove(feature, component) {
// Remove style file of a component
vio.del(utils.mapComponent(feature, component) + '.' + utils.getCssExt());
entry.removeFromStyle(feature, component);
* Move/rename a style file for a component.
* @param {string} feature - The feature name.
* @param {string} component - The component name.
* @alias module:style.remove
function move(source, target) {
// 1. Move File.less to the destination
// 2. Rename css class name
// 3. Update references in the style.less
source.feature = _.kebabCase(source.feature);
source.name = _.pascalCase(source.name);
target.feature = _.kebabCase(target.feature);
target.name = _.pascalCase(target.name);
const srcPath = utils.mapComponent(source.feature, source.name) + '.' + utils.getCssExt();
const targetPath = utils.mapComponent(target.feature, target.name) + '.' + utils.getCssExt();
vio.move(srcPath, targetPath);
let lines = vio.getLines(targetPath);
const oldCssClass = `${_.kebabCase(source.feature)}-${_.kebabCase(source.name)}`;
const newCssClass = `${_.kebabCase(target.feature)}-${_.kebabCase(target.name)}`;
lines = lines.map(line => line.replace(`.${oldCssClass}`, `.${newCssClass}`));
vio.save(targetPath, lines);
if (source.feature === target.feature) {
entry.renameInStyle(source.feature, source.name, target.name);
} else {
entry.removeFromStyle(source.feature, source.name);
entry.addToStyle(target.feature, target.name);
module.exports = {