'use strict';
* Constant manager. It manages all constants of a feature. Constants are very useful for the communication between actions and reducers.
* They may be used across features.
* This constant manager exports APIs to create/rename/remove constants. Usually used with the action manager as Rekit does.
* @module
const _ = require('lodash');
const utils = require('./utils');
const refactor = require('./refactor');
const vio = require('./vio');
* Add a constant definition to a feature's `redux/constants.js` file, it forces UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
* @param {string} feature - The feature name.
* @param {string} name - The component name.
* @alias module:constant.add
* @example <caption>Add a new constant</caption>
* const constant = require('rekit-core').constant;
* // Define a new constant named 'FETCH_TOPIC_LIST_BEGIN'.
* constant.add('home', 'fetch-topic-list-begin');
* // Write the changes to disk. Otherwise only in memory, see more at rekitCore/vio
* rekitCore.vio.flush();
* // Result => added a new line `const FETCH_TOPIC_LIST_BEGIN = 'FETCH_TOPIC_LIST_BEGIN';` to `home/redux/constants.js`.
function add(feature, name) {
name = _.upperSnakeCase(name);
const targetPath = utils.mapReduxFile(feature, 'constants');
const lines = vio.getLines(targetPath);
const i = refactor.lastLineIndex(lines, /^export /);
lines.splice(i + 1, 0, `export const ${name} = '${name}';`);
vio.save(targetPath, lines);
* Rename a constant definition in a feature's `redux/constants.js` file, it forces UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
* @param {string} feature - The feature name.
* @param {string} name - The component name.
* @alias module:constant.rename
function rename(feature, oldName, newName) {
oldName = _.upperSnakeCase(oldName);
newName = _.upperSnakeCase(newName);
const targetPath = utils.mapReduxFile(feature, 'constants');
const lines = vio.getLines(targetPath);
const i = refactor.lineIndex(lines, `export const ${oldName} = '${oldName}';`);
if (i >= 0) {
lines[i] = `export const ${newName} = '${newName}';`;
vio.save(targetPath, lines);
* Remove a constant definition from a feature's `redux/constants.js` file, it forces UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
* @param {string} feature - The feature name.
* @param {string} name - The component name.
* @alias module:constant.remove
function remove(feature, name) {
name = _.upperSnakeCase(name);
const targetPath = utils.mapReduxFile(feature, 'constants');
refactor.removeLines(targetPath, `export const ${name} = '${name}';`);
module.exports = {